Dear Fellow Church Members:
The Ministry Placement Committee seeks your help in recommending persons to serve as Deacons.
It is essential that the make-up of deacons represent the broad spectrum of Brookwood’s membership. This adequate representation among the deacon body assures better representation of the church body as a whole as deacons consider important matters on the church’s behalf. Please keep this in mind as you consider your slate of recommendations.
Each church member has the opportunity to nominate as many as 7 people to fill the terms that will expire on December 31, 2027. In making your nominations, we suggest that you use as a guideline the attached Article 2, Section 2 of the By-Laws regarding deacons.
Your nominations are extremely important in helping to determine the persons who will serve as Deacons. Please note that the individuals listed below are ineligible for election due to current or recent service.