Children's Ministry

Mark 10:14 says “Let the little children come to me. Don’t keep them away. God’s kingdom belongs to people like them.”

What We Believe God Has Called Us to Do:
Help our children come to KNOW Jesus Christ, GROW to be like Him, and GO serve Him.
We believe that God has called us, in partnership with parents, to help our children:
KNOW the Word of God deeply and the Lord Jesus personally
GROW to be like Jesus together and
GO serve Him in their homes, church, school, and community. 



Sunday Mornings

Avenue 56

Avenue 56 is a special place for Brookwood’s older children. Our 5th and 6th graders meet upstairs in Building A for Sunday School. The children and their teachers gather there on Sundays for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.

AVE 56 - 5th/6th Grades | Upstairs from Lobby

1st - 4th Graders

Brookwood’s 1st-4th graders gather Sunday mornings to explore the Bible. They do this through interactive learning led by caring Sunday School teachers who love teaching our younger children. 

1st/2nd Grades | C-178

3rd/4th Grades | C-180 

Mason Freeman
Minister to Children & Their Families