At Brookwood our hope is for students to know they are loved by Jesus. There are four things we hold as our guiding principles. First, we hope to establish a firm foundation that is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Second, we hope to provide ways students can engage in service and missions. Third, we want students to know they have a place they belong where they are surrounded by a community of people who love them. Finally, we hope to create space where our students can simply have fun and take a breath. We gather weekly on Sundays and Wednesdays in the hopes of helping students establish a rhythm of life that allows them to encounter the God who loves them. 

Sunday Mornings

Currently, we are walking through Jesus's 'I AM' statements in the Gospel of John. Through this, we hope to invite students into the lifelong journey of following the way of Christ. Sunday mornings are a wonderful time to connect with peers and our amazing group of teachers. We divide into 3 classes based on grades: 7th/8th; 9th/10th; and 11th/12th. 

We meet each Sunday morning at 9:15 am in what we call the SOC (Student Outreach Center). It is in the basement of the "C" building which is located on the far left side of the building if you are facing the front door (use the bottom parking lot). 



YEARN is our weekly Sunday night Bible Study.  The heartbeat of this ministry and this time together is that Middle and High School students would continue to yearn after the Lord with everything in them, that day and night they would be seeking the Lord with all of who they are.  We hope to see kids ignite a passion in their hearts for Jesus Christ and YEARN is one of the ways we hope to see this achieved.

Small Groups

All Youth Small Groups meet on Wednesday evenings. We meet at various restaurants around Birmingham for a time to connect, fellowship, and pray together!

Larry McCutcheon
Minister of Youth & Formation 

Savannah Clayton
Ministry Assistant