Today, we spent the first half of our day with the kids at living hope. We talked about donkeys, and how to choose Gods path instead of your own. We had to leave after that, and it was super emotional leaving the people we had gotten to know so well over the past week, but it was okay because then we got to go serve with the cooking Mamas.
With my group, we helped with a woman named Phathiswa and made a pasta with a fish tomato sauce that looked delicious. While cooking, we got to meet Phathiswa’s daughter, who wrote a book about Masi, the township we were in, and had begun filming a documentary about the gangs there, giving their side of the story. When we finished, we brought the pot of food out and fed the people in the community, who brought their own bowls for us to serve. We finished that and got back to Phathiswa’s home, where Annie, Harrison, and Harper tipped over her bench falling flat on their hineys. They did not fully recover. Never will. It was super funny watching them fall, it’s like they fell in slow motion hehe.
After that we got to go to Living Hopes building in Masi, where they were having another Holiday Club with all new kids. We unfortunately didn’t get to spend too much time there, but while we were there the kids were filled with energy and joy while we played games. We then left and went to the main Living Hope quarters, where we debriefed about the week and gave feedback on how the experience could be more beneficial for everyone, but there was honestly not much for anyone to say, it was amazing. We then headed home and immediately clonked out, cause we tired.
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